Community Partners | Macalester Partners | Faculty Partners | Undergraduate Partners | Volunteers
Community Partners
Projects like this are not possible without strong, supportive community partners. For Macalester College's inaugural Spring 2016 History Harvest, we cannot express enough gratitude to Rondo Avenue, Inc., particularly the efforts of President Ronald Charles Buford, co-founder Marvin R. Anderson, and all other members of the board. Rondo Avenue, Inc. also hired Lauren Williams to serve as a community liaison between the Rondo neighborhood and our class, and she opened a rich, hands-on opportunity to our students. Lastly, we'd like to thank the Hallie Q. Brown Community Center for hosting our event.
For the Second Spring 2017 History Harvest, we add our heartfelt thanks to Camphor Memorial United Methodist Church for hosting our event. Special thanks to Reverend Gloria Roach Thomas and Betsy Calkins.
As for all the other Rondo community volunteers and participants, we could not have made this archive without your generosity and support.
Macalester Partners
Jan Serie Center for Scholarship and Teaching | Civic Engagement Center | Department of History | DeWitt Wallace Library
Faculty & Staff Partners
Spring 2017:
Crystal M. Moten | Faculty, History Department
Rebecca S. Wingo | Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in Digital Liberal Arts, Serie Center
Paul Schadewald | Associate Director, Civic Engagement Center
Alexis Lodgson | Research and Instruction Librarian, DeWitt Wallace Library
Eric Carroll | Faculty, Photography
Barbara Laskin | Media Relations Manager
Spring 2016:
Rebecca S. Wingo | Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in Digital Liberal Arts, Serie Center
Amy Sullivan | Faculty, History Department
Paul Schadewald | Associate Director, Civic Engagement Center
Johan Oberg | Librarian, Digital Scholarship and Services, DeWitt Wallace Library
Alexis Lodgson | Research and Instruction Librarian, DeWitt Wallace Library
Morgan Adamson | Faculty, Media Studies
Eric Carroll | Faculty, Photography
Barbara Laskin | Media Relations Manager
Undergraduate Partners
Spring 2017: Jennifer Arnold (Preceptor), Kaitlyn Campbell, Jennifer Eng, Russell Fillmore-Brady, Rebekah Griffin, Lee Guekguezian, G.G. Gunther, Armando Herreria, Eliza Macy, Frances Matejcek, Chidyaonga Shalita, Mara Steinitz
Spring 2016: Gabrielle Anderson, Jennifer Arnold, Carly Avezzano, Eleanor Benson, Sydney DeGeest, Jonathan Eber, Alexander Edelmann, David Ewert, Aidan Hennen, Meghan Johnson, Naomi Klionsky, Rachel Ladd, Sara Ludweig, Ollin Montes, Justin Randall, Suzanne Rubinstein, and Marta Vegdahl-Crowell.
Spring 2017: There were several Macalester faculty and students outside of the History Harvest class that contributed to the success o the event. Special thanks to Brad Belbas (Academic Information Associate), Grace Dickman, Shyanne Redlin, and Channelle Ndagire.
Spring 2016: There were several students outside of the History Harvest and Oral History courses that were vital to a successful event. Emma Pickett took all the photographs of the artifacts. Lizzie Hutchins, Heather Johansen, and Kelsey Fox recorded all the video for the oral histories and produced a mini-documentary.